Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2nd - Cold Again!

Its been a pretty strange spring, we've had unusually cool weather at times.  Last night an unusually strong cold front blew in and its been in the low 50s all day, and will get into the upper 30s tonight.  Its also been really windy, and my poor snow pea plants,which are really tall, were blown over, so when I got home from work, I had to tie some rope along the fence to support them.

Its been a great spring in the garden.  We've eaten lots of cabbage, lettuce, collards, turnips, and spinach so far. Lately, we've also had tons of snow peas. Here is some of the harvest in the kitchen ready to be prepared.

We've also picked a few carrots.  Here is a really fat carrot we picked. Some have been real short but fat.  

I had my first Hubbard squash blossoms a few days ago. But strangely, they were female flowers! So since there were no male flowers around, I picked the flowers and used them in a salad.  Usually the plants put out a lot of male flowers first.  My theory is that the cooler weather, and cold blasts we've had this spring has made the plants think they better start making fruit quick, cause winter is coming.

This blossom opened yesterday morning.  There were a few males open, so I was able to hand pollinate this one. (in case the bees dont) I hope it sets, so I can have my first squash of the year growing.

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